Statistics [December 1st 1995 - September 16th 1996]

Wilhelminenspital WIEN, Austria, OA Dr. Neumann

Total deliveries 1219

Sectios 125 (10.2%)

Roma Birth Wheel

Opening period only 192
Deliveries 160 (68 Primi-/92 Multiparas)
Out of this deliveries 155 spontan
4 forceps
1 vacuum


Regular deliveries without epi. 48.5%
with epi. 42.3%
ROMA Birth Wheel deliveries without epi. 66.0%
with epi. 34.0%


Regular deliveries with fissure 22.0%
ROMA Birth Wheel deliveries with fissure 19.0%

Acceptance of the ROMA Birth Wheel

very satisfied 59.0%
satisfied 34.0%
not satisfied 7.0%

Home E-Mail Roma Geburtsrad

ROMA Birth AG - Fischmarkt 19 - CH-4410 Liestal - Schweiz
Tel. +41 61 922 11 00 - Fax +41 61 922 11 66

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