Comfortable and Ergonomic

An established concept
Comfortable and ergonomic
Entire birthing support
The original ROMA Birthwheel

The seat is secured to the spiral at four points by adjustable straps. This means that different positions can be chosen. The wheel gives the laboring mother the necessary freedom of movement and choice of positions. Resting between contracions occurs naturally.

Benefits for birthing staffs include complete access permitting obstetrical activities (monitoring, i.v. progression checks, vaginal examinations, support of the perineum, episiotomy and suturing). Medical interventions such as forceps or vacuum are also possible without problems.


ROMA Birth AG - Fischmarkt 19 - CH-4410 Liestal - Schweiz
Tel. +41 61 922 11 00 - Fax +41 61 922 11 66


Designed by Clinx GmbH