Entire Birthing Support

An established concept
Comfortable and ergonomic
Entire birthing support
The original ROMA Birthwheel

The seat is made up of a firm fibre core, protected by vinyl cushioning. Included is a custom shaped waterproof, washable covering. Design at the base of the seat leaves the pelvic floor free; midwifes or doctors will observe unrestricted dilation of the perineum during expulsion period.

The floor cushion provides a harmonius link to the floor it increases the sense of security and comfort for both mother and medical persons.

A simplified, portable alternative.


ROMA Birth AG - Fischmarkt 19 - CH-4410 Liestal - Schweiz
Tel. +41 61 922 11 00 - Fax +41 61 922 11 66


Designed by Clinx GmbH